Due to the long Spring Break holiday, the deadline for parents, guardians, and caregivers of Sooke Schools District 62 (SD62) students to submit a survey on communication with district leadership been extended to 23:59 Pacific on April 30, 2023. This survey is seeking the views of parents, guardians, and caregivers of students attending public schools in SD62 on how they would like to be engaged on school district’s Strategic Plan priorities pertaining to fostering inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (aka IDEA) throughout the school community.
For those with online access, click on this link (https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/SAB2022-Phase1) to be taken to the Survey Monkey landing page. It will take about 30 minutes to fill out. They will be able to read the Informed Letter of Consent (currently in English and translated into Japanese) before taking the Survey.
Interested participants can also complete the Survey by leaving a voicemail or sending a self-addressed stamped envelope using the information in the image below.
Once received, participants will receive a package containing a paper copy of the Survey, a copy of the Informed Letter of Consent, and a pre-addressed, stamped envelope to use to return the Survey and optionally register their interest in participating in the Incentive Drawing.
Many interested participants may prefer to discuss these issues rather than fill out a survey. I am also prepared to conduct some Knowledge-Sharing Sessions (focus groups) with some groups of parents, guardians, and caregivers. These sessions would begin in May 2023, and interested participants can sign up via this Survey Monkey link (https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/SAB2022-Phase2SignUp).
For more information about this research project and its goals and objectives, please visit the project’s website at https://renken-sebastian.ca/speaking-across-barriers-2022, or read the below e-Newsletter update.
How much focus is actually going into EDUCATION? Focusing on social issues is all well and good, but it should only be focused on in how you want children to treat other people..EQUALLY and FAIRLY…that’s it..That should be done more by actions, than by description and focus.
What I am concerned about, above ALL ELSE, is not how my daughter is taught about IDEA, but her eduction in general and I find it SORRILY lacking…it’s terrible from what I’m seeing, at least at the lower grade levels.
There isn’t any focused learning plan, at least not from what I can see. No structured text books that the kids, or ourselves, the PARENTS..you know, the other educators in their lives? The ones that are supposed to be teaching that “social” part to them? Can see… I want to see more focus on that, rather than IDEA.
When my daughter comes home from school and has a question about what she learned, assuming she even wants to talk to me, i want to be able to assist her..not have to try and figure out what method our teachers are trying to use in order to teach them what they are learning. A textbook would go a LONG way in providing examples etc.
I guess ultimately, I want my daughter to get an education, rather than be indoctrinated…or the fear of that. So far, I don’t see a lot of the education part of it.
D. Serrao, I agree that it’s very important that a public education curriculum that clearly state what a child should know by the end of any given school year. Rather, one of the objectives of this research project is to understand how effective the school district is at communicating to parents, guardians, and caregivers how successful they have been at achieving something that members of the school community have stated they want to see happen within the school district over the four years of the duration of the Strategic Plan.
My hypothesis is that if parents, guardians, and caregivers can be on the same level of understanding as school district leadership on why these specific pieces about inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility are things that the district wants to strategically focus on, then operational plans and support from the school community can be more closely aligned towards achieving those goals.
I do hope to one day to learn for myself what resources are available for parents to be able to use so that they can support in the home what children are learning in school.