To get me back into the habit of writing for a general audience, I’ve decided to start writing an irregularly scheduled round-up blog post which details articles from the Internet that I’ve been reading. For my professional website, this will be mostly news articles from local, provincial, and national news outlets, stories from the nonprofit news organisations I sponsor, links I’ve found via Mastodon, and/or articles I’ve come across while doing research for my various community development projects.
This post marks the first of such articles, and I hope I can maintain this kind of schedule as I continue to prepare for the first data collection participant recruitment efforts.
Wounded Knee Massacre ‘Tarnishes’ Integrity of Medal of Honor
I subscribed to the Native News Online newsletter recently because I want to know how well (or not well) the efforts are going in my birth country to recognise Indigenous/First Nations sovereignty and/or to just plain admit that the U.S. is not “Number One” in terms of being able to be classy about heinous things white Americans have done under the influence of colonisation and empire-building. If this effort to accurately get Medals of Honour revoked from the 7th Cavalry succeeds, then the U.S. will have made great strides as a country.
Losing “Pretty Girl” to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
This article from May 2020 at The War Horse caught my eye as I was perusing the website for the original source of the previous article. I’ve never been in the armed forces myself and I think the beginning and ending of my ancestors’ calls to military action were a result of World War II and the Japanese occupation of the Philippines. This means that having innate knowledge about the internal and external pressures faced by the average service member is something I have to read about in order to try and understand. I also think that reading more of this style of article may be able to help me get a better understanding of my research project participants’ experiences as well.